Turning Quiet Periods into Opportunities: Smart Strategies for Small Business Success

By Niki Hutchison, Host of podcast, From Overlooked to Fully Booked
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There may be a lot of chatter about how tough it is to close sales these days but hey, what’s new about that? It’s enough to make any rep feel down in the dumps.

But here’s the thing – as sales pros, we’ve got an ace up our sleeve. What’s the truly unique thing sales reps have in our favor? We can ALWAYS, ALWAYS make more money by making more calls and closing more sales.

Mindset Shift: Embracing Control Over Your Sales

While others might be crossing their fingers for a measly raise, salespeople have the power to double, triple, even quadruple their income by playing their cards right. 

But let’s get real for a sec. If you’re thinking, “Sounds great, but I never have enough money,” it’s time for some tough love. Ask yourself these questions, and be brutally honest:

  1. Am I really doing everything I can to earn as much as possible?
  2. Am I being smart about how I invest my time into accounts that’ll help me towards a secure and exciting future?
  3. Am I truly using every spare moment outside my other commitments to find more profitable accounts?

If you’re answering “no” to any of these, then it’s time to dig deeper and figure out why. Maybe you’re scared of success, or perhaps you’ve got some bad habits that are holding you back. Whatever it is, identifying the roadblock is the first step to smashing through it.

Maximizing Productivity

You know those little habits that seem harmless but end up eating away at your time like termites on a wooden house? It’s time to kick them to the curb.

First up, notifications. Having these switched on is like trying to focus while someone’s waving at you constantly. Not fun, and definitely not productive.

So, here’s your first task: turn them off. I know it feels like you might miss something important. But trust me, the risk of missing out on business growth is far greater. 

Another tiny habit that can make a big difference? Time blocking. Give yourself a specific window of time to get each task done. It’s amazing how much more you can accomplish when you’re not constantly jumping between tasks like a caffeinated squirrel.

Fast Cash Generation: Turning Potential into Profit

One of my favorite tools is a good old-fashioned spreadsheet of leads. And here’s the magic trick: regularly review the ‘potential clients and projects’ column and figure out how to move them over to the ‘active’ column as quickly as possible. Let me give you an example:

I’ve got a warm lead right now. We’ve had loads of chats about building her a website and creating a communications strategy to launch her business. But here’s the catch – she also has a part-time job, so time is tight for her.

I started thinking about how I could make this happen with as little input from her as possible. I drew up a project plan, broke it down into manageable chunks, and even offered to liaise directly with the other experts required to make the project happen.

By doing this, I’m not only offering top-notch service, I’m also moving that potential project into the active column much quicker than if I’d left the ball in my client’s court. 

The Power of Email Marketing in Driving Sales

Research from management consultancy firm McKinsey shows that email marketing is 40 times more effective when it comes to customer acquisition than Facebook and Twitter combined. Let that sink in for a moment.

So if you want to make more sales (and money), start sending more emails. But not just sales emails. You need to develop a strategy. Go all Sherlock Holmes and figure out which of your offerings you subscribers are most likely to buy SOON.

Then, focus on helping them recognize the value you offer. Build relationships. Encourage them to respond.

Direct Outreach: A Proven Method for Quick Results

Last but definitely not least, is direct outreach. Now, I know the idea of reaching out directly to potential clients might make you break out in a cold sweat. But hear me out. This isn’t about cold calling or spamming people’s inboxes. It’s about making meaningful connections with people who could genuinely benefit from what you offer.

Start by identifying your ideal clients. Once you’ve got that nailed down, it’s time to craft your message. Make it personal, make it relevant, make it brief.

The key here is to focus on how you can help them,. Think of it as starting a conversation, not making a pitch. And don’t forget to follow up! 

Wrapping It Up

So there you have it. We’ve covered a lot of ground today, from shifting your mindset to embracing email marketing and direct outreach. Remember, think of your sales job as an entrepreneurial exercise and you’ll realize you have the unique ability to make more money. It’s about being proactive, strategic, and willing to put in the work.

Remember, you’ve got this. Now go out there and make it happen.

Niki Hutchison, host of podcast From Overlooked to Fully Booked.