AI SALES SUMMIT - 2/26 & 2/27


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How to Use Zoom (or Video Sales Calls) to Move Sales Forward

By Gil Peretz

Before you turn on your computer for a Zoom call, remember this: No computer or video sales call should feel like a high-tech presentation. Instead, it should be like an intimate high-touch conversation. So, follow these rules and become an expert – even when you can only meet face-to-face through a screen.

Tip 1: Stand up every so often!
If you can put your laptop on a high desk – or have access to a standing desk (Like VariDesk) – you can easily upgrade your Zoom meeting’s energy!

When you deliver your messages while standing, you are boosting your level of energy and enthusiasm, and your body language tends to be more open and free. That energy can help your presentation better influence your customers. The moment you have an essential message to deliver, make sure to stand up and deliver your message with power.

Tip 2: Look at your camera.
Psychologist Robert Fantz measured the amount of time babies spent looking at something as a way to gauge how interested in it they were. Fantz reported that a two-month-old baby spent twice as long looking at a sketch of a human face as at a bullseye.

Other studies also show that humans tend to focus on human faces much more frequently than objects; so, naturally, during a Zoom meeting, we tend to look at the customer’s face on the screen rather than directly at the camera.

That is one of the biggest mistakes one can make on a Zoom call. Although looking at the customer’s face seems like the most natural route, it is inefficient and causes the other side to feel you are looking down at your keyboard.

So what should you do?

When you are talking to a customer, look directly at your camera. That gives your customers the impression you are talking to them face to face, improving your overall human connection.

Only when listening to a customer, look directly at your screen to see them – to get some more input from their facial expressions, etc.

Tip 3: Remember to smile.
We all know customers appreciate a kind smile, but it’s easy to forget to deliver one. So how do you remember to smile at your customers throughout the meeting? It’s simple. Attach a small sticky note with a drawing of a smiley face near your laptop’s camera. Perhaps this will help you remember to smile more when you are looking at your cam to talk to your customers.

I know it may not be the most convenient thing to do, but it’s a habit you should develop. The quicker you master this tiny habit, the better the influence and service you give your customer.

Tip 4: Vary the elements of sound for emphasis.
Non-verbal communication is a key to success in sales. In Zoom sales calls, however, your voice tends to be more important than your body language.

Except for some facial expressions and tiny hand movements, your customer doesn’t notice your body language through their screen. As a result, your tone’s flexibility, pitch, tempo, and cadence are key to the success of your Zoom call.

Power pauses are also valuable. Especially when you want to emphasize critical words or phrases, pause for a second before and after them. That subconsciously tells your customer you are delivering a meaningful message – and they should let it sink in.

Tip 5: Use the “dream guest.”
We all know the power of testimonials. You use them throughout your face-to-face meetings, on your Website, and in every other marketing channel.

What if your best customers could fly with you to an important sales meeting, and help you influence your prospects?

In reality, it’s not entirely possible. But this is your chance to turn the lemon of COVID-19 into lemonade – and, perhaps, with some limes, into the best margarita you’ve ever had.

If you develop a close and robust relationship with loyal customers, ask them to join you on a crucial Zoom with a new company on your target list.

If they agree, remember to give your prospect permission to invite them so they can add value from their experience to your solutions.

Tip 6: Make it personal.
Research about negotiation shows that, whenever two sides spend time sharing personal information before their talk, their result is a better and more creative “win-win” solution where each side gains more value from the negotiation.

And you can apply that to your Zoom meeting!

Start your meeting by sharing some personal things – and have your client do the same in return. Ask them how they are managing to work from home. Or how they feel today. It’s vital to show them you care!

Do you want to create even more rapport? Surprise them! To develop a social connection, show them a photo you took with your family. If they start telling you their personal stories or showing you their photos, engage with them!

The more comfortable the customer feels to talk and share, the better. People do not do business with companies. They buy from human beings, so it’s essential to show them the type of person you are.

Want to make it even more personal? Do you have a dog or cat? If so, let them jump on you as you start the meeting. That will trigger a fun and delightful conversation with a customer on the call!

Tip 7: Lead the conversation with rhetorical questions.
I’ve got a simple tool for you to lead the conversation. Every time you want to move on to your next topic, story, or even section of your presentation, transition with a rhetorical question.

That concept directs the customer’s mind to be more focused and look for an answer.

Instead of transitioning with, “Now I will explain how our new system helps manufacture faster,” say, “So how does our new system help manufacture faster?”

Now, it’s your turn to use these seven power tips. No matter what you do, remember: Your Zoom call should not feel like another high-tech presentation. It should be like an intimate high-touch conversation.

Gil Peretz is a TEDx speaker, sales trainer, author of Intimate Marketing, and co-author of Obama’s Secrets: How to Speak and Communicate with Power and a Little Magic. Watch his popular TEDx talk, “The Secret to a Fulfilling Life = Surprise!” or contact him at