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The Future of CRM: Cloud Computing

By Geoffrey James

A recent study by Goldman Sachs indicates that on-demand applications (also known as SaaS – “software as a service” – or cloud computing) might be the future of CRM. The report, “Techtonics: Unstoppable Shift to SaaS Continues,” revealed areas in which IT professionals are using on-demand applications. In the table below, applications heavily used by sales teams are in bold.

Untitled Document

Application Area   Application Area  
Web conferencing 66% Business intelligence 18%
Sales force automation 64% Security/compliance software 18%
Accounting and billing 49% Call-center automation 18%
Email 44% Partner relationship management 15%
Collaboration 43% Enterprise resource planning 13%
Web analytics 41% Performance and talent management 12%
CRM 38% Learning-management systems 10%
eRecruiting 30% Product life cycle management 7%
Content management 23% Supply-chain management 7%
Office-productivity software 21% Data warehousing 5%
Human-capital management 21% Other 10%

The report also noted that most small and midsize firms have implemented a “SaaS first” policy; almost two-thirds of all companies (large enterprises included) always consider a SaaS option when shopping for software. Two-fifths of those decisions were in favor of SaaS solutions.

Nearly every application area saw gains in SaaS implemention. The only exceptions appear to be applications such as supply chain, which require in-house customization or detailed integration with legacy systems.

While on-premise CRM systems aren’t going anywhere, it looks as though the cloud-computing trend will eventually become a way of life for sales teams.